Environmental wellbeing is not about the Environment
Have you ever asked yourself why you can only focus or be creative in certain spaces? How sometimes being in a place can make you uncomfortable or even anxious. Or why you might not be able to sleep except in your own bed or room? The answer to all these questions is the same, environmental wellbeing.
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of “Environmental Wellbeing” is not about how or why you should take care of the environment. It’s about the sense of comfort, safety, and connection with your physical surroundings and how you interact with these surroundings and overall community.
Being in harmony with your community and the world plays a role in your environmental wellbeing. Wellness begins with your immediate surroundings such as your personal space, which can influence your mental wellbeing and productivity. But it doesn’t stop there, your environmental wellbeing is also influenced by bigger communities and geographic areas. This explains why crowded spaces and traffic can negatively affect our mental wellbeing.
Taking this a step further, the environment we exist in daily can affect our mental wellbeing without us realizing it. A few weeks of rain and gloomy weather can cause “winter blues” and leave us feeling moody, irritable and energy-less. Being aware of these factors is how we can begin to take care of ourselves and our holistic wellbeing.
Environmental wellness can be achieved by living in a caring and healthy environment, and in return, being aware of and respectful of the environment in which we live. Being surrounded by a nice atmosphere, as well as doing your part to protect the environment can make you feel more fulfilled overall. Respecting nature is a key pillar in environmental wellness, it can be easily done by doing your part in caring for the environment through recycling, reducing waste and minimizing pollution.
Environmental Wellness tips
There’s a range of activities and behaviors you can incorporate in your day to improve your Environmental Wellness:
- Create a healthy, happy living space: Paying attention to any pollutants or chemicals that enter your area is part of creating a healthy and happy living place. Make sure your living space is clean of any dust, or pollutants that can affect your health, and pay attention to clutters and messes
- Find spots for peace and tranquility: As part of your daily routine, you can find moments of peace. Find a specific seat, window, or balcony that you like as you go about your day. Pause and take a minute to just breathe
- Make a positive impact on the environment: Consider any thing that you can do, no matter how small, that can help the environment in a beneficial way. Simple adjustments add up, so don’t overlook them. Try recycling more, bringing your own coffee mug or using a refillable water bottle
- Make your community a better place: Starting right where you live, everyone has the capacity to make the world a better place. Start with your immediate surroundings like placing potted plants in your balcony or in front of your house, and work your way to a wider circle to your street, neighborhood, etc.
- Nurture happy relationships in your home: Don’t underestimate the need to feel calm, comfortable, and welcomed when you get home following a hard day at work or school. The physical location is just one factor, but your comfort at home and environmental wellbeing are also influenced by your interactions with others living with you
Environmental wellbeing is an important pillar or holistic wellbeing, when you pay attention and care for your personal surroundings, you’ll feel more grounded and comfortable when your present in them. Below are other benefits of environmental wellbeing:
- Feeling calm, relaxed, and stress-free
- Experience pride in your surroundings and your personal space
- Be in harmony with nature
- Nurture deeper and more meaningful relationships with friends and family
- Enjoying peace and tranquility in the environment
- Being more involved in the community and fostering a sense of belonging